The Rulings Panel has released the following decisions.
13 January 2025
The Rulings Panel released its decision on an alleged breach of the Code by Transpower New Zealand Limited in relation to the incorrect application of security constraints.
The Rulings Panel released its decision on alleged breaches of the Code by Ecotricity Ltd Partnership in relation to its refusal to provide consumers' electricity consumption data.
The Rulings Panel released its decision on alleged breaches of the Code by Transpower New Zealand Limited as the system operator in relation to its management of the grid emergency on 9 August 2021.
The Rulings Panel released its decision on a breach of the Code by Transpower New Zealand Limited as the grid owner from 27 November to 14 December 2020.
On 8 October 2022, the Rulings Panel delivered its decision on costs.
Public reprimand
Transpower, as grid owner, is reprimanded for a metering information error that resulted in demand at grid exit point GLN0332 being overstated for every trading period from 27 November 2020 to 14 December 2020. As a result of the error, incorrect prices were set for every trading period from 27 November 2020 to 13 December 2020 (inclusive). The error caused a significant market impact whereby generators were overpaid by consumers.
The Rulings Panel found that the Transpower error and the circumstances that led to it were a serious contravention of the Code. The electricity market in New Zealand relies on accurate and timely information. By failing to adhere to metering information requirements set out in the Code, Transpower has caused a serious market impact.
The Rulings Panel orders that this public reprimand be displayed on the internet and published by the Electricity Authority in its Market Brief to recognise the gravity of Transpower’s error and the effect it had on the electricity industry in New Zealand.
The Rulings Panel found that it was appropriate for Transpower to pay the Electricity Authority’s reasonable costs in relation to the proceedings and directed each party to file a memorandum on costs in the coming weeks.
The Rulings Panel recommended that regulation 51 of the Enforcement Regulations be revisited with a view to potential change. Regulation 51 restricts the imposition of a pecuniary penalty order for a breach of an obligation that relates to metering standards or to the provision of metering information.
The Rulings Panel released its decision on a pecuniary penalty for an admitted breach of the Code by Transpower New Zealand Limited as the grid owner in December 2020.
The Rulings Panel found that Genesis was not in possession of disclosure information and had not breached clause 13.2A of the Code.
The Rulings Panel made a decision, affirming the Electricity Authority’s determination that Transpower was the causer of the under-frequency event on 14 December 2018 at 12.20 pm.
The Rulings Panel formally closed a complaint made by City Financial Investment Company (New Zealand) Limited following the High Court making decisions about the matters complained about - City Financial Investment Company (New Zealand) Limited v Transpower New Zealand Limited [2018] NZHC 1488.
2 July 2020
The Rulings Panel formally closed a complaint made by Solar City New Zealand Limited following the High Court making decisions about the matters complained about - Unison Networks Limited v Solar City New Zealand Limited [2017] HZHC 1343.
The Rulings Panel issued its penalty decision on formal complaints against Transpower New Zealand Limited in its capacity as both system operator and grid owner in respect of an event that occurred on 2 March 2017.
27 March 2020
The Rulings Panel decision on a complaint about Transpower New Zealand Limited’s following a complaint of a loss of supply to the Waikato region when the grid owner’s transformer tripped at a substation.
13 July 2018
The Rulings Panel delivered its decision that there are circumstances that justify not publicising its confidentiality decision dated 8 May 2018.
9 June 2017
The Rulings Panel’s decision to adjourn its consideration of City Financial Investment Company (New Zealand) Limited’s complaint of March 2017.
16 January 2017
A decision that the Rulings Panel has jurisdiction to hear a complaint by Solar City New Zealand Limited that Unison Networks Limited’s tariffs for retailers with residential customers on its network who have installed distributed generation breaches Part 6 of the Electricity Industry Participation Code.
7 July 2014
Costs decision in relation to the dispute by Meridian Energy Limited relating to the System Operator’s causer determination for an under-frequency event on 1 May 2013.
6 June 2014
A dispute under clause 8.62(1) of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 by Meridian Energy Limited relating to the System Operator’s causer determination for an under-frequency event on 1 May 2013.
27 September 2013
A complaint against Transpower New Zealand Limited in relation to admitted breaches of clauses, and of Schedule G6, and rule 3.3 of section III of part G of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 (Rules), and an alleged breach of Rule 4.2 of section III of part G of the Rules.
28 February 2013
A preliminary question of the application of rule 5 of section VI of Part F of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 to Transpower New Zealand Limited.
22 November 2010
A complaint against Meridian Energy Limited relating to breaches of rule 3.1 of Part D, rules 11 and 12 of Part E, rule 3.1 of schedule E1 of Part E, rule 3.2 of schedule E2 of Part E, and rules 1.2, 2.2 and 4 of Part J of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003.
2 March 2010
A referral of a dispute to the Rulings Panel on 28 May 2009 involving an invoice issued to TrustPower Limited
19 March 2008
A complaint relating to breaches of rule of schedule G6 of Part G of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 by the system operator.
7 March 2006
A decision on costs orders in:
- A complaint relating to a breach of rule of Schedule G6 of Part G of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 by the system operator (Decision, 22 September 2005, below); and
- A complaint relating to a breach of rule 4.3 of Section III of Part G of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 by the system operator (Decision, 26 September 2005 below).
26 September 2005
A complaint against the system operator relating to a breach of rule 4.3 of section III of part G of the Electricity Governance Rules 2003.
22 September 2005
A complaint relating to a breach of rule of section III of schedule G6 of Part G the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 by the system operator.